Ski Mountaineering Course

This course is designed for indi­vid­u­als aspir­ing to learn the fun­da­men­tal skills of snow, ice, and glac­i­er climb­ing tech­niques, and the appli­ca­tion of these skills toward the ascent and descent of major glaciat­ed moun­tains. Our goal is to devel­op com­pe­tent, self-reliant ski-moun­taineers ready to climb and ski local­ly or in the great ranges of the world. This course is tru­ly an excel­lent foun­da­tion for any ski­er seek­ing inde­pen­dence in the alpine arena.

Set in a spec­tac­u­lar envi­ron­ment that pro­vides abun­dant learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, this com­pre­hen­sive course is tru­ly reward­ing. A sum­mit attempt on the last day of the course gives you the chance to put your new­ly devel­oped skills to the test.

Suitable mountains for ski mountaineering in Nepal.

Have you ever seen a glaciat­ed peak that begs you to ski its slopes, but you’re con­cerned about the haz­ards; the hid­den crevass­es and the avalanche slopes? Well fear no more, you’ll gain a bet­ter under­stand­ing of what’s pos­si­ble and open up a world of new slopes and pow­der to ski.

  1. Himlung 
  2. Putha Hiuchuli 
  3. Mera Peak 
  4. Makalu
  5. Dhawalagiri

This course involves the following:

  • Inter­me­di­ate-advanced lev­el ter­rain with some slopes to the black dia­mond level
  • Glac­i­er trav­el and steep snow climbing
  • Long days in poten­tial­ly adverse weather
  • Skiers should be in excel­lent phys­i­cal con­di­tion and com­pe­tent on var­ied terrain

Course cur­ricu­lum includes:

  • Ter­rain man­age­ment (haz­ard assess­ment, effi­cien­cy, speed)
  • Ter­rain man­age­ment with hill track
  • Ter­rain man­age­ment downhill
  • Snow climb­ing, ice axe posi­tion­ing, and mov­ing in balance
  • Self arrest techniques
  • Snow and ice anchor selec­tion, con­struc­tion, and equalization
  • Snow climb­ing and cram­pon techniques
  • Prus­sik­ing and team crevasse res­cue practice
  • Rap­pelling and rope management
  • Glaciol­o­gy and crevasse pat­tern prediction
  • Nav­i­ga­tion using maps, altime­ters, and compasses
  • Roped glac­i­er trav­el and route find­ing through crevassed areas
  • Moun­tain weath­er, alpine ecol­o­gy, haz­ard assess­ment, and Leave No Trace Ethics
S.N. Date of Departure Available Seat  
1 12 Jan, 2025 According to your required

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2 20 Sep, 2025 According to your required

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